Megaprime designs information security management systems that integrate ISO/IEC 17799
27002) recommended controls for business continuity and contingency planning
◊ Business Continuity Management
◊ Disaster Recovery Planning
◊ Contingency Planning
◊ Emergency Management
◊ Crisis Management
We can help you put procedures and provisions into place that protect your critical business processes and resources from interruption or damage and facilitate their recovery or replacement should disaster occur.
Megaprime's BCCP approach is to develop a single process for assuring both the continuity of critical business processes and the availability of the resources that those business processes depend on.
The Megaprime BCCP service has been designed with the principles and requirements of the following standards in mind:
◊ AS/NZS 4360 Risk management
◊ ISO/IEC 17799 (ISO/IEC 27002) Code of practice for information security management
◊ ISO/IEC 27001 Specification for information security management systems
◊ AS 8018 (BS 15000) Specification for IT Service Management
◊ ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems – Requirements
The Megaprime BCCP process is applied in a top down manner so that the continuity requirements of critical business processes determine the availability requirements of the resources that support them. At the same time the process facilitates the development of contingency plans for individual resources without consideration of the business processes that they support. This ensures that the BCCP process provides business continuity plans (BCPs) for major disruptions and Contingency Plans (CPs) for localised events.
Megaprime develops and conducts realistic scenario based training exercises that can prove your ability to manage the continuity of your business and respond to emergencies and crises should these arise.
can help your organization to assure the continuity of its critical business
processes. Ask us how.