References |
Megaprime is SPIRIT qualified to supply Western Australian Government Agencies with the following services:
Whole of Government Category C supply of Training in and Implementation of Standards Based Information Security Management System (ISMS) Methodology.
A1001 Strategic Business PlanningTo assess the current and projected business environment, develop the goals and directions that will position the business for the future and establish the marketing, organisational, human and financial resources strategies required to achieve the goals.
A1004 Corporate GovernanceTo assess and plan a structure with a defined, consistent set of roles, relationships, policies, procedures, standards and stewardship with appropriate responsibility, authority and resources to deliver and against which performance is measured and adapted.
A1006 Staff Development & TrainingTo plan, develop and deliver professional knowledge and skills to support the business and technology needs of an organisation.
A2001 Business Process PlanningTo assess, design, optimise and align intra and inter-organisational processes, structures, workflows, information, procedures and operations with current and future business strategy and information requirements. Usually associated with significant change rather than quality improvement.
A2002 Information PlanningTo identify, analyse and design the information and relationships required to support strategic and operational business outcomes, and their creation, modification, retention and retrieval. Outputs include organisational Information models.
A2004 Technology and Network PlanningTo identify, analyse and design the technology infrastructure and telecommunication architecture. Includes deployment, operations, security, capacity and integration of information technology and telecommunications to support the business. Inputs include Information Systems Plans. Outputs include Information Technology Plans.
A3001 Methodology Planning and ImplementationTo research, develop, enhance, customise, implement and provide training in the steps, methods, techniques, guidelines, templates, standards and rules to be used in the various ICT disciplines and processes that ensure service delivery is consistent and predictable.
A3002 Policy/ ProceduresDevelopment and Management To research, provide, develop, enhance, disseminate, manage, administer, or provide training in, organisational or operational policies and procedures required to deliver ICT services and outcomes. Includes development of Data Management (backup, off-site storage, recoverability), and Security Policies.
A4001 Business Change ManagementTo plan and/or implement cultural, structural, operational or technological change management programmes to improve and/or achieve organisational and operational improvements.
A4002 Business Continuity PlanningTo analyse, develop, maintain, enhance or implement arrangements, processes and plans to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, transit through and recover from impacts or emergencies within the business or its environment.
A4006 Disaster Recovery PlanningTo analyse, develop, maintain, enhance or implement arrangements, processes, infrastructure and plans to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, transit through and recover from emergencies which impact on the operation or security of the technology infrastructure within the business or its environment.
A4007 Access Security PlanningTo analyse, develop, maintain, enhance or implement architectures, arrangements, processes, infrastructure and plans to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, transit through and recover from violation of access to the business information, assets or operations. Services to assist the delivery or assist in the purchase and managing of services to secure services from the procurement, transition, integration and delivery of services or project activity.
If you would like to discuss how we can satisfy your information security requirements under the Western Australian Government SPIRIT agreement please contact Joe Otway jotway@megaprime.com.au or telephone 04 07 02 1188. |
Phone: + 61 (0) 8 9447 8427 Fax: + 61 (0) 8 9243 0369 |
15 Beach Road |
Date that the page was last edited: February 06, 2006